Activities / 2013 International Conference on Climate Change
近年來重大天然災害的發生常被與歸咎於全球暖化,氣候變遷研究也已成為需要慎重面對的一個 議題。為了因應氣候變遷議題,許多國家開始執行國家級計畫, 期待透過氣候推估及衝擊評估的研究成果來協助擬定調適策略。在臺灣,目前政府部門有數個氣候變遷相關計畫正推動中,如國科會於2009年陸續啟動三個氣候變遷研究的大型整合型計畫,經濟部水利署亦於2009年起開始執行「氣候變遷對水環境之衝擊與調適研究計畫」,行政院經濟建設委員會則在本年度 通過「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」,並研擬相關之行動計畫方案以落實研發成果於調適策略。
今年為國科會所推動三個氣候變遷優勢領域計畫之一的「台灣氣候變遷推估與資訊平台建置計 畫」(簡稱TCCIP)以及水利署「氣候變遷對水環境之衝擊與調適研究計畫」 執行的第三年。TCCIP計畫由國家災害防救科技中心負責協調規劃執行,在氣候變遷研究、推估資料產製與跨領域研究 上已有一些實質的成果。透過與TCCIP計畫的合作,水利署的計畫在氣候變遷對水資源、乾旱、防洪與海岸等領域的衝擊評估上皆有具 體研究成果,並已依據這些成果提出調適策略的建議。在未來幾年,TCCIP計畫將基於過去經驗,產製最新的東亞及臺灣地區氣候變遷與氣候推估資料,並提供氣候資料應 用的科研交流與服務,一方面服務學界,另一方面亦提供氣候變遷相關科學數據與科研成果作為「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」相關行動計畫推動 時之參考。
「2013氣候變遷國際研討會」指導單位為國科會及經濟部,由國家災害防救科技中心與水利署共同主 辦,協辦單位包括中研院環境變遷中心、中央氣象局以及相關大學,擬邀請日本、英國、美國、荷蘭、澳洲與韓國等10餘位國際專家學者進行交流。希望藉由講者的演說、成果發表及討論,讓與會者瞭解國際氣候變遷研究趨勢、促進各國之間的學術交流並加強資 料產製端與各類應用端之跨領域溝通與合作。此次會議將著重在各國氣候變遷國家級計畫 的介紹、氣候變遷的推估以及氣候變遷衝擊的研究成果。
Program | Time | Content |
Climate Change Projection Chair : Dr. Chia Chou |
8:45-09:10 | 陳正達 Chen-Ta Chen, NTNU (Taiwan) Regionalization of future climate change projection and uncertainty over Taiwan: from mean climate states to high-impact weather and climate extremes |
09:10-09:35 | Toshiyuki Nakaegawa, MRI (Japan) Future climate projection in Asian monsoon region with a high-resolution AGCM |
09:35-10:00 | Yukari Takayabu, AORI (Japan) Factors affecting the distribution of tropical precipitation in CMIP5 models and their effects to future projections |
Tea Break | 10:00-10:20 | Tea Break |
Climate Change Projection Chair : Dr. Pay-Liam Lin |
10:20-10:45 | 鄭兆尊 Chao-Tzuen Cheng, NCDR (Taiwan) Future projection of Meiyu rainfall over Taiwan: results of dynamical downscaling for the TCCIP project |
10:45-11:10 |
Hidetaka Sasaki, MRI (Japan) |
11:10-11:35 |
鄭克聲 Ke-Sheng Cheng, NTU (Taiwan) |
11:35-12:00 |
Phillip B. Duffy, LLNL (USA) |
Lunch Break | 12:00-13:00 | Lunch Break |
Climate Change Impact Assessment Chair : Chyan-ling Tyan,deputy director of WRA |
13:00-13:40 |
Arjen Hoekstra, Univ. of Twente (Netherlands) |
13:40-14:00 |
童慶斌 Ching-Pin Tung, NTU (Taiwan) |
14:00-14:10 |
張良正 Liang-Cheng Chang, NCTU (Taiwan) |
14:10-14:30 |
林裕彬 Yu-Pin Lin, NTU (Taiwan) |
14:30-14:55 |
許泰文 Tai-Wen Hsu, NTOU (Taiwan) |
Tea Break | 14:55-15:15 | Tea Break |
Climate Change Impact Assessment Chair : Bor-Hsun Lai, deputy director of WRA |
15:15-15:40 |
APIP / Eiichi Nakakita, DPRI (Japan) |
15:40-16:05 |
李欣輯 Hsin-Chi Li, NCDR (Taiwan) |
16:05-16:30 |
Yoshio Kajitani, DPRI (Japan) |
16:30-16:55 |
陳韻如 Yun-Ju Chen, NCDR (Taiwan) |
TCCIP成果發表會 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
水利署成果發表會 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Title | Speaker | Slide | Video |
Opening Remark | 賀陳弘副主任委員 Hong Hocheng, Deputy Minister of NSC & 杜紫軍 次長 Woody Tyzz-Jiun Duh, Vice Minister of MOEA & 李鴻源 部長 Hong-Yuan Lee, Minister of Ministry of the Interior | Video | |
Opening Address | 陳亮全主任 Liang-Chun Chen, Director of NCDR & 楊偉甫署長 Wei-Fuu Yang, Director-General of WRA | Video | |
Introduction on Taiwan Climate Change Projection and Information Platform (TCCIP) Project – from Technology and Data Service to Application | 林李耀 副執行秘書 Lee-Yaw Lin, NCDR (Taiwan) | Slide | Video |
Introduction to Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation on Water Environment of Taiwan | 楊偉甫署長 Wei-Fuu Yang, WRA (Taiwan) | Slide | Video |
From climate science to adaptation decision-making | Mark S. Smith, CSIRO (Australia) | Slide | Video |
Climate change adaptation policy and future direction in Korea | Young-Han Kwon, KACCC (Korea) | Slide | Video |
On “Program for Risk Information on Climate Change” - post KAKUSHIN program named "SOUSEI" | Eiichi Nakakita, DPRI (Japan) | Slide | Video |
Introduction of climate change programs of National Science Council of Taiwan | 許晃雄 Huang-Hsiung Hsu, RCEC (Taiwan) | Slide | Video |
APCC’s future plan and climate data service | Chin-Seung Chung, APCC (Korea) | Slide | Video |
Regionalization of future climate change projection and uncertainty over Taiwan: from mean climate states to high-impact weather and climate extremes | 陳正達 Chen-Ta Chen | Slide | Video |
Future climate projection in Asian monsoon region with a high-resolution AGCM | Toshiyuki Nakaegawa | Slide | Video |
Factors affecting the distribution of tropical precipitation in CMIP5 models and their effects to future projections | Yukari Takayabu | Slide | Video |
Future projection of Meiyu rainfall over Taiwan: results of dynamical downscaling for the TCCIP project | 鄭兆尊 Chao-Tzuen Cheng | Slide | Video |
The development of non-hydrostatic regional climate model in SOUSEI program | Hidetaka Sasaki | Slide | Video |
Assessment of hydrologic projections under climate change | 鄭克聲 Ke-Sheng Cheng | Slide | Video |
Impacts and adaptation assessments: downscaling, uncertainty quantification, and stakeholder-driven approaches | Phillip B. Duffy | Slide | Video |
The water footprint of humanity – the global dimension of water management | Arjen Hoekstra | Slide | Video |
Strengthening water supply system adaptive capacity to climate change in Taiwan _ Northern and Southern Region | 童慶斌 Ching-Pin Tung | Slide | Video |
Strengthening water supply system adaptive capacity to climate change in Taiwan _ central region | 張良正 Liang-Cheng Chang | Slide | Video |
Strengthening water supply system adaptive capacity to climate change in Taiwan_ eastern region, outlying islands region and summary | 林裕彬 Yu-Pin Lin | Slide | Video |
Adaptation capacity of coastal disasters due to climate change to strengthen northwest area of Taiwan | 許泰文 Tai-Wen Hsu | Slide | Video |
Water and sediment-related problem / disaster projections in Western Japan under climate change | APIP / Eiichi Nakakita | Slide | |
Disaster impact assessment of simulated extremely climate events | 李欣輯 Hsin-Chi Li | Slide | |
Measuring economic impacts caused by a natural disaster under a context of global warming | Yoshio Kajitani | Slide | |
Impact and uncertainty of climate change on water resource in Taiwan | 陳韻如 Yun-Ju Chen | Slide | |
【TCCIP成果發表會】開幕致詞 / 貴賓致詞 | 陳亮全 主任 (NCDR) / 陳于高處長 (NSC) | Video | |
【TCCIP成果發表會】臺灣氣候變遷推估與資訊平台建置 Taiwan climate change projection and information platform | 林李耀 副執行秘書 (NCDR) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】極端降雨如何隨全球温度變化? How much do precipitation extremes change in a warming climate? | 劉紹臣 院士 (RCEC) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】臺灣氣候變異與年代際變化分析 The decadal and multi-decadal climate variability in Taiwan | 盧孟明 研究員 (CWB) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】臺灣地區月降雨及溫度1公里網格資料庫之建立(1960-2009)及其在近未來(2015-2039)的氣候推估應用The construction of monthly rainfall and temperature datasets with 1km gridded resolution over Taiwan area(1960-2009)and its application to climate projection in the near future(2015-2039 | 翁叔平 副教授 (NTNU) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】ECHAM5及MRI模式動力降尺度之結果比較 Results of dynamical downscaling on climate projections of MRI AGCM and ECHAM5 | 林傳堯 副研究員 (RCEC) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】以統計方法提供臺灣未來氣候變遷推估的區域細節與機率分佈:從平均氣候狀態到極端天氣與氣候指標Regionalization of future climate change projection and uncertainty over Taiwan: from mean climate states to high-impact weather and climate extremes | 陳正達 教授 (NTNU) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】氣候變遷下之流量推估 Study on the flow estimate under climate change | 魏曉萍 博士 (NCDR) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】氣候變遷下颱風季節降雨特性與水文頻率分析Assessment of rainfall characteristics during typhoon season and hydrologic frequency analysis under climate change | 蘇元風 博士 (NCDR) | Slide | Video |
【TCCIP成果發表會】TCCIP資料應用服務介紹 Introduction of data service for TCCIP | 朱容練 助研究員 | Slide | Video |
臺灣氣候變遷論壇:討論主題: (1) 氣候資料需求與資料應用經驗分享 (2) 氣候變遷衝擊研究的進展與困境 | 許晃雄研究員 (RCEC)、陳正達教授 (NTNU)、葉克家教授 (NCTU)、林李耀副執行秘書 (NCDR)、陳永明副研究員 (NCDR) | Video |