About Us / Team Members

  Lee-Yaw Lin

Position : Chief Investigator/Deputy Director
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Project Management, Sustainable and Disaster Reduction
Responsibility : Program Integration and Planning

  Yung-Ming Chen

Position : Division manager/Research Fellow
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Synoptics and Climatology, Sustainability and Disaster Prevention
Responsibility : Project management

  ChaoAn Chen

Position : Project Assistant Research Fellow
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : WNP-EA monsoon, extreme precipitation, tropical climate dynamics
Responsibility : Data analysis and scientific report- WNP-EA monsoon, seasonal precipitation, extreme precipitation, and typhoon activity

  Chao-Tzuen Cheng

Position : Associate Research Fellow
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Regional modelling, extreme rainfall
Responsibility : Dynamical downscaling of the reanalysis data and the climate projection data over Taiwan area. International partnership

  Hsin-Chi Li

Position : Researcher
Affiliation : National Science and Technology for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Loss assessment, climate Change, clopeland disaster
Responsibility : Project management to Team2, adaptation methods and knowledge, discussion on compound and cascading risk topics, international partnership

  Tzu-Ming Liu

Position : Assistant Research Fellow
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Water resources management, climate change risk assessment
Responsibility : Project management to Team3, service platform - user interface

  Joyce Chang

Position : Junior Assistant Researcher
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Public Policy, Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Strategies
Responsibility : Adaptation methods and knowledge, compound and casual risk topics, adaptation resources kit, podcast, international partnership

  You-Syuan Chen

Position : Project-Appointed Junior Assistant Researcher
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster, NCDR
Expertise : Science Education, Quaternary Environmental Changes
Responsibility : Knowledge Translation - Thematic Training Courses, Knowledge Translation - Data Story Zone, Knowledge Translation - Popular Science Materials and Audio-Visual Products

  Huei-Ling Lee

Position : Project-Appointed Junior Assistant Researcher
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Planning and Promotion
Responsibility : Assist in knowledge services ,and assist in general affairs of the planning office

  Yen-Chen Huang

Position : Project-Appointed Junior Assistant Researcher
Affiliation : National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NCDR
Expertise : Planning and Promotion
Responsibility : Planning and handling various publicity activities in the plan to promote the results of the plan.