Team Members

    Huang-Hsiung Hsu
  CEO & Distinguished Research Fellow
  Research Center for Environmental Changes (RCEC), Academia Sinica
  Self Introduction

Pro.Huang-Hsiung Hsu's research interest includes climate variation and change, monsoon, and atmosphere-ocean teleconnection. He published journal papers in a) atmosphere-ocean teleconnection, b) multiscale interaction in the Western North Pacific, c) compound effects causing the weather and climate extremes, d) simulation, projection, mechanism, and ecological impacts of the Madden-Julian Oscillation/Intraseasonal Oscillation (MJO/ISO), and e) diagnostics and projection of Asian monsoon and Taiwan climate. His recent research focuses on the linkage between natural climate variability, e.g., detecting the emerging anthropogenic effect on climate and projecting how the known climatic processes might change in the warming future. He leads the Taiwan Earth System Model team in RCEC’s climate model development effort and the participation in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 to contribute locally-produced climate change data for the preparation of IPCC AR6. He also organizes the effort in developing seamless model system for the simulation and projection of global–urban climate and weather with the focus on extreme events.
