Data Service / Atlas of Taiwan Climate Change Key Indices
AR5 Statistical Downscaling Edition Hydrological Indices AR6 Statistical Downscaling Edition

Q1. What are the main differences between this atlas and Atlas of Taiwan Climate Change Key Indices (2019)?

Table1 Comparison of the two atlases
  Atlas (2019 Edition) This Atlas Other Notes
Data Sets Gridded observational daily data (5 km) AR5 statistical downscaling daily data (released in August 2019) Gridded observational daily data (0.05°) AR6 statistical downscaling daily data (released in January 2023)
Emission Scenarios RCP2.6
This atlas adds assessment results for Global Warming Levels (GWLs) based on model simulations using SSP emission scenarios.
Baseline and Future Periods Reference to AR5:
Baseline 1986-2005
Near-term 2016-2035
Mid-term 2046-2065
Long-term 2081-2100
Reference to AR6:
Baseline 1995-2014
Near-term 2021-2040
Mid-term 2041-2060
Long-term 2081-2100
GWLs use the same baseline, but the future is not divided into near-term, mid-term, and long-term. Because different climate models have their specific 20-year periods.
Chart Presentation Ensemble mean results Ensemble mean, median
Uncertainty assessment:
likelihood range, robustness
In contrast to the atlas (2019) that only provided ensemble mean projection, this atlas adds statistical results from multi-model ensemble and uncertainty assessment.

Q2. Is the raw data for climate change indices provided, and how can it be obtained?

The raw data for climate change indices used in this atlas is currently not available for download as of June 2023. There are plans to make it available in the "Data Store" of the TCCIP website. For the latest updates, please refer to the TCCIP website.

Q3. Why is there no projection information for the SSP1-1.9 scenario, which aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement?

Most CMIP6 climate models simulate greenhouse gas emissions scenarios for SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5. Only a few climate models provide simulation outputs for the SSP1-1.9 scenario. The projections for this scenario have higher uncertainty. Therefore, they have not been included in the datasets used for this atlas.

Q4. Will climate change projection information be provided for Lienchiang County and Kinmen County in the future?

The limited number of weather stations and insufficient data length in outlying island counties make it difficult to establish climate-related data for climate change. The current phase of TCCIP is actively working on constructing historical climate and future projection data for outlying islands. Once the testing is completed, climate projection information for Lienchiang County and Kinmen County will be made available soon.

Q5. Are the definitions of climate change indices used in this atlas and the 2019 Edition the same?

The indices definitions in this atlas are the same as those in the atlas published in 2019. However, in order to align more closely with the definitions of the indices, adjustments have been made to the English abbreviations and Chinese translations. The baseline period has also been updated to AR6, shifting from 1986-2005 to 1995-2014. The following six temperature indices, which rely on the temperature in the baseline period as a threshold for calculations, have been updated: warm days (TX90p), warm nights (TN90p), cold days (TX10p), cold nights (TN10p), heat wave duration index (HWDI), and cold wave duration index (CWDI). To avoid situations where extreme indices have never occurred in the baseline period, resulting in an inability to calculate rates of change (denominator cannot be zero), related indices measured in days will be presented as change values (in days) in future projections.