Books Poster Slides Team Articles
  1. Shiau, J. T., Li, C. C., Tseng, H. W., & Chen, S. T. (2024). Assessing Alterations of Rainfall Variability Under Climate Change in Zengwen Reservoir Watershed, Southern Taiwan. Water, 16(22), 3165.
  2. Wu, W.T., M. Kono C.P. Lee, Y.Y. Chang, Y.H. Yang, C.C. Lin, T.M. Liu, H.C. Li, Y.M. Chen, P.C. Chen, (2024). Climate Change Projections for Stroke Incidence in Taiwan: Impact of 2 °C and 4 °C Global Warming Level. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 14(3):1319-1331.
  3. Wu, W. T., Kono, M., Lee, C. P., Chang, Y. Y., Yang, Y. H., Lin, C. C., ... & Chen, P. C. (2024). Climate Change Projections for Stroke Incidence in Taiwan: Impact of 2° C and 4° C Global Warming Level. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 1-13.
  4. Hwang, Y. W., Hsu, Y. H., & Chen, Y. M. (2024). Impact of flowering temperature on litchi yield under climate change: A case study in Taiwan. Climate Services, 34, 100483.
  5. Wang, S. Y., Ou, H. Y., Chen, P. C., & Lin, T. P. (2024). Implementing policies to mitigate urban heat islands: Analyzing urban development factors with an innovative machine learning approach. Urban Climate, 55, 101868.
  6. Chiang, S., Fu, H. S., Hsiao, S. C., Hsiao, Y. H., & Chen, W. B. (2024). An efficient 2-D flood inundation modelling based on a data-driven approach. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 52, 101741.
  7. Tsai,I-C., P.-R. Hsieh, H.-H. Hsu, Y.-S. Tung, Y.-M. Chen, C.-T. Cheng (2024). Climate change-induced impacts on PM2.5 in Taiwan under 2 and 4 °C global warming, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15(6), 102106,
  8. Kao, Y. C., Tsou, H. E., & Chen, C. J. (2024). Development of Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation: Influence of bias correction based on recurrent convolutional neural networks. Journal of Hydrology, 629, 130621.
  9. Lau, T. K., & Lin, T. P. (2024). Investigating the relationship between air temperature and the intensity of urban development using on-site measurement, satellite imagery and machine learning. Sustainable Cities and Society, 100, 104982.
  10. Hungn L.-S., Y.-W. Li and M. M. Bayrak. (2023). The relationship between determinants of husband–wife agreement and household climate change mitigation behavior. Environ. Res. Commun. 5 125011
  11. Tseng, W. L., Lin, S. Y., Wang, Y. C., Lo, S. H., Lo, M. H., Lee, S. Y., ... & Hsu, H. H. (2023). Impact of Pacific–Japan pattern on temperature and heatwave events in summer over Taiwan. International Journal of Climatology, 43(15), 7067-7081.
  12. Lau, T. K., Tsai, P. C., Ou, H. Y., & Lin, T. P. (2024). Efficient and cost-effective method for identifying urban ventilation corridors using a heuristic search algorithm. Sustainable Cities and Society, 101, 105144.
  13. Huang, WR., Chien, YT., Cheng, CT. et al. (2023). The role of sea surface temperature in shaping the characteristics of future convective afternoon rainfall in Taiwan. npj Clim Atmos Sci 6, 198.
  14. Chen, C. J., Chi, M. H., & Ye, J. R. (2023). Assessing hydroclimate response to land use/cover change using coupled atmospheric-hydrological models. Geoscience Letters, 10(1), 54.
  15. Lexi Henny, Chris D. Thorncroft, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Lance F. Bosart (2023). Changes in extreme precipitation in Taiwan's Mei-yu season. QJR Meteorol Soc. 2023; 1-23.
  16. Tsai, I.-C., Hsieh, P.-R., Cheng, C.-T., Tung, Y.-S., Lin, L.-Y., & Hsu, H.-H. (2023). Impacts of 2 and 4°C global warmings on extreme temperatures in Taiwan. International Journal of Climatology, 43(2), 702-719.
  17. Liao, C.-C., Lin, H.-Y., & Fan, S.-W. (2023). A statistical method to generate high-resolution climate datasets for modeling plant distribution range and range shifts under climate change in mountainous areas. TAIWANIA, 68(1), 8-22.
  18. Hsiao, Y.-H., Chen, C.-C., Chao, Y.-C., Li, H.-C., Ho, C.-H., Hsu, C.-T., & Yeh, K.-C. (2022). Development and application of flood impact maps under climate change scenarios: A case study of the Yilan area of Taiwan [Original Research]. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
  19. Hu, H.-M., Shen, C.-C., Chiang, J. C. H., Trouet, V., Michel, V., Tsai, H.-C., Valensi, P., Spötl, C., Starnini, E., Zunino, M., Chien, W.-Y., Sung, W.-H., Chien, Y.-T., Chang, P., & Korty, R. (2022). Split westerlies over Europe in the early Little Ice Age. Nature Communications, 13(1), 4898.
  20. Tsai, I. C., Shu, L.-S., Chen, J.-P., Hsieh, P.-R., & Cheng, C.-T. (2022). Projecting ozone impact on crop yield in Taiwan under climate warming. Science of The Total Environment, 846, 157437.
  21. Lee, C.-C., Huang, K.-C., Kuo, S.-Y., Cheng, C.-K., Tung, C.-p., & Liu, T.-M. (2022). Climate change research in Taiwan: beyond following the mainstream. Environmental Hazards, 1-19.
  22. Ho, C.-H. (2022). Climate Risks and Opportunities of the Marine Fishery Industry: A Case Study in Taiwan. Fishes, 7(3), 116. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
  23. Tung, Y.-S., Wang, C.-Y., Weng, S.-P., & Yang, C.-D. (2022). Extreme index trends of daily gridded rainfall dataset (1960–2017) in Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 33(1), 8.
  24. Kuo, S.-Y., Tang, T.-T., Hsu, H.-H., Lin, L.-Y., & Chen, Y.-M. (2022). Challenges to govern a global sustainability science problem: Lessons from a domestic climate change research project. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
  25. Lin, L.-Y., Lin, C.-T., Chen, Y.-M., Cheng, C.-T., Li, H.-C., & Chen, W.-B. (2022). The Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform: A Decade of Climate Research. Water, 14(3), 358.
  26. Chen, Y.-J., Lin, H.-J., Liou, J.-J., Cheng, C.-T., & Chen, Y.-M. (2022). Assessment of Flood Risk Map under Climate Change RCP8.5 Scenarios in Taiwan. Water, 14(2), 207. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
  27. Lee, C.-C., Huang, K.-C., Kuo, S.-Y., Cheng, C.-K., Tung, C.-p., & Liu, T.-M. (2021). Development of a Social Impact Assessment for the Water Environment: A Professional Perspective. Water, 13, 3355.
  28. Chang, T.-Y., Chen, H., Hsiao, S.-C., Wu, H.-L., & Chen, W.-B. (2021). Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Binary Typhoons on Ocean Surface Waves in Waters Surrounding Taiwan [Original Research]. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8.
  29. Chao, Y.-C., Hsieh, T.-C., Chen C.-W., Cheng C.-T., Li H.-C., Yeh K.-C., Chen Y.-M., 2021. “Impact assessment of reservoir desiltation measures for downstream riverbed migration in climate change: A case study in northern Taiwan , Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Volume 37, 2021, Pages 67-81, ISSN 1570-6443,
  30. Li, H.-C., Hsiao, Y.-H., Chang, C.-W., Chen, Y.-M., & Lin, L.-Y. (2021). Agriculture Adaptation Options for Flood Impacts under Climate Change—A Simulation Analysis in the Dajia River Basin. Sustainability, 13(13), 7311. doi:10.3390/su13137311
  31. Teng, T.-Y.; Liu, T.-M.; Tung, Y.-S.; Cheng, K.-S. Converting Climate Change Gridded Daily Rainfall to Station Daily Rainfall—A Case Study at Zengwen Reservoir. Water 2021, 13, 1516.
  32. Lexi Henny, Chris D. Thorncroft, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, and Lance F. Bosart, 2021: Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan: Seasonal Statistics and Trends. J. of Climate (online) DOI:
  33. Guoxing Chen, Wei-Chyung Wang, Lijun Tao, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chia-Ying Tu, and Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2021: Extreme Snow Events along the Coast of the Northeast United States: Analysis of Observations and HiRAM Simulations, J. Climate, 32(21), 7561-7574.
  34. Hsiao, Shih-Chun, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Tzu-Yin Chang, Wei-Bo Chen, Han-Lun Wu, Jiun-Huei Jang, and Lee-Yaw Lin. 2021. “Assessment of Offshore Wave Energy Resources in Taiwan Using Long-Term Dynamically Downscaled Winds from a Third-Generation Reanalysis Product.” Energies 14 (3) (January 28): 653. doi:10.3390/en14030653.
  35. Shih-Chun Hsiao, Hongey Chen, Han-Lun Wu, Chen, Wei-Bo*, Chih-Hsin Chang, Wen-Dar Guo, Yung-Ming Chen, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2020: Numerical Simulation of Large Wave Heights from Super Typhoon Nepartak (2016) in the Eastern Waters of Taiwan. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 8(3), 217 (SCIE)
  36. Wahyu Widiyanto, Shih-Chun Hsiao, Chen, Wei-Bo, Purwanto B. Santoso, Rudy T. Imananta, Wei-Cheng Lian, 2020: Run-up, inundation, and sediment characteristics of the 22 December 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, Indonesia. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 933–946 (SCIE, selected as highlight article).
  37. Shih-Chun Hsiao, Han-Lun Wu, Chen, Wei-Bo*, Chih-Hsin Chang, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2020. On the Sensitivity of Typhoon Wave Simulations to Tidal Elevation and Current. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 8(9), 731 (SCIE).
  38. Wei‐Shiun Lu, Han-Lun Wu, Kai‐Cheng Hu, Yen‐Lung Chen, Chen, Wei-Bo, Shih‐Chun Hsiao, Yu Hsiao, Chun‐Yen Chen, Li‐Hung Tsai, 2020. The Characteristics of Coastal Highway Wave Attack and Nearshore Morphology: Provincial Highway No. 9, Taiwan. Water 12, 3274 (SCIE).
  39. Chien Yu-Tang, S.-Y. Simon Wang, Yoshimitsu Chikamoto, Steve L. Voelker, Jonathan D. D. Meyer, Jin-Ho Yoon, 2020: North American Winter Dipole: Observed and Simulated Changes in Circulations. Atmosphere, 10(12), 793.
  40. Huang-Hsiung Hsu and Ying-Ting Chen, 2020: Simulation and Projection of Circulations Associated with Atmospheric Rivers along the North American Northeast Coast. J. Climate 33 (13):5673–5695.
  41. Arakane, Sho., H-H Hsu. 2020: A tropical cyclone removal technique based on potential vorticity inversion to better quantify tropical cyclone contribution to the background circulation. Climate Dynamics, Volume 54, Issue 5-6, p.3201-3226
  42. Ho, C. H and N. Yagi, 2020: An impact and adaptation assessment of changing coastal fishing grounds and fishery resources under global warming. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. DOI: 10.1007/s11027-020-09922-5
  43. Wei, Hsiao-Ping, Yuan-Fong Su, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Keh-Chia Yeh, 2020: Levee Overtopping Risk Assessment under Climate Change Scenario in Kao-Ping River, Taiwan. Sustainability, 12(11), 4511.
  44. Su-Chin Chen, Samkele S. Tfwala, Ci-Rong Wang, Yi-Ming Kuo & Yi-Chiung Chao, 2020: Incipient motion of large wood in river channels considering log density and orientation, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 58:3, 489-502, DOI:10.1080/00221686.2019.1625816.
  45. Chen, Yung-Ming, Chiwen Chen, Yi-Chiung Chao, Yu-Shiang Tung, Jun-Jih Liou, Hsin-Chi Li, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2020: Future Landslide Characteristic Assessment Using Ensemble Climate Change Scenarios: A Case Study in Taiwan, Water 12(2):564. DOI: 10.3390/w12020564
  46. Yu‐Shiang Tung, S.‐Y. Simon Wang, Jung‐Lien Chu, Chi‐Hua Wu, Yung‐Ming Chen, Chao‐Tzuen Cheng, Lee‐Yaw Lin,, 2020: Projected increase of the East Asian summer monsoon (Meiyu) in Taiwan by climate models with variable performance. Meteorological Applications (RMS), DOI:10.1002/met.1886
  47. Chien, Y.-T., S.-Y. Wang, Y. Chikamoto, S. L. Voelker, J. D. D. Meyer, and J.-H. Yoon, 2019: North American winter dipole: Observed and simulated changes in circulations. Atmosphere, DOI:10.3390/atmos10120793
  48. Wan-Ru Huang, Po-Han Huang, Ya-Hui Chang, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chia-Ying Tu, Akio Kitoh, 2019: Dynamical downscaling simulation and future projection of extreme precipitation activities in Taiwan during the Mei-Yu seasons. J. Meteor. Soc
  49. Hien Xuan Bui, Jia-Yuh Yu, Hsiao-Wei Liu, Chia-Ying Tu, Pin-Ging Chiu,and Huang-Hsiung Hsu, 2019: Convective Structure Changes over the Equatorial Pacific with Highly Increased Precipitation under Global Warming Simulated in the HiRAM. SOLA, 15, 119−12
  50. Chi-HuaWua, I-ChunTsaia, Pei-ChiaTsaia, and Yu-Shiang Tung,2019: Large–scale seasonal control of air quality in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment.vol. 214 , 11686
  51. Chu-Chun Huang, Shu-Hua Chen, Yi-Chiu Lin, Kenneth Earl, Toshihisa Matsui, Hsiang-He Lee, I-Chun Tsai, Jen-Ping Chen, and Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2019: Impacts of Dust–Radiation versus Dust–Cloud Interactions on the Development of a Modeled Mesoscale Convect
  52. Guoxing Chen, Wei-Chyung Wang, Lijun Tao, Hunang-Hsiung Hsu Chia-Ying Tu, and Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2019: Extreme Snow Events along the Coast of the Northeast United States: Analysis of Observations and HiRAM Simulations. Journal of Climate, vol. 32, no. 2
  53. Yi-Chiang Yu, Hongey Chen, Hung-Ju Shih, Chih-Hsin Chang, Shih-Chun Hsiao, Chen Wei-Bo, Yung-Ming Chen, Wen-Ray Su, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2019. Assessing the Potential Highest Storm Tide Hazard in Taiwan Based on 40-year Historical Typhoon Surge Hindcasting. Atmos
  54. Shih-Chun Hsiao, Hongey Chen, Chen, Wei-Bo, Chih-Hsin Chang, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2019: Quantifying the contribution of nonlinear interactions to storm tide simulations during a super typhoon event. Ocean Engineering, 194, 106661.
  55. Jie Dou, B.T. Pham, A. P. Yunus, D. T. Bui, A. Merghadi, M. Sahana, Z. Zhu, C.-W. Chen, K. Khosravi, Y. Yang, B. T. Pham, 2019: Assessment of advanced random forest and decision tree algorithms for modeling rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility in the
  56. Hsin-Chi Li, Shih-Yun Kuo, Wei-Bo Chen, Lee-yaw Lin, 2019: Benefit analysis of flood adaptation under climate change scenario, Nat Hazards 95:547-568
  57. Chi-Wen Chen, Yu-Shiang Tung, Jun-Jih Liou, Hsin-Chi Li, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yung-Ming Chen, Takashi Oguchi, 2019: Assessing landslide characteristics in a changing climate in northern Taiwan, CATENA, 175, 263-277
  58. Chen, Wei-Bo, Hongey Chen, Shih-Chun Hsiao, Chih-Hsin Chang, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2019: Wind forcing effect on hindcasting of typhoon-driven extreme waves. Ocean Engineering, 188, 106260 (SCI, SCIE).
  59. Shih-Chao Wei, Hsin-Chi Li, Hung-Ju Shih, Ko-Fei Liu, 2018: Potential impact of climate change and extreme events on slope land hazard – a case study of Xindian watershed in Taiwan. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 3283–3296.
  60. Hsien-Li Kuo, Guan-Wei Lin, Chi-Wen Chen, Hitoshi Saito, Ching-Weei Lin, Hongey Chen, Wei-An Chao, 2018: Evaluating critical rainfall conditions for large-scale landslides by detecting event times from seismic records. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18: 2877–2891.
  61. Ching Hung, Guan-Wei Lin, Huei-Sian Syu, Chi-Wen Chen, Hsin-Yi Yen, 2018: Analysis of the Aso-Bridge landslide during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes in Japan. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 77: 1439–1449.
  62. Yi-Chiung Chao, Chi-Wen Chen, Hsin-Chi Li, Yung-Ming Chen, 2018: Riverbed Migrations in Western Taiwan under Climate Change. water, 10(11): 1631.
  63. Hsiao-Wei Liu, Jia-Yuh Yu, Chao-An Chen, Changes of tropical precipitation and convective structure under global, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. 29, No. 4, 429-440, August 2018
  64. Jie Dou, W. Wang, B. T. Pham, A. P. Yunus, D. T. Bui, M. Sahana, C.-W. Chen, Z. Zhu, W. Wang, B. T. Pham, 2018: Evaluating GIS-Based Multiple Statistical Models and Data Mining for Earthquake and Rainfall-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Using the LiDAR ED
  65. Hsiao-Wei Liu, Jia-Yuh Yu, Chao-An Chen, 2018: Changes of tropical precipitation and convective structure under global warming projected by CMIP5 model simulations. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 29(4), 429-440.
  66. Chi-Wen Chen, Takashi Oguchi, Hongey Chen, Guan-Wei Lin, 2018: Estimation of the antecedent rainfall period for mass movements in Taiwan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 77:184.
  67. Chi-Wen Chen, Takashi Oguchi, Yuichi S. Hayakawa,Hitoshi Saito, Hongey Chen, Guan‐Wei Lin, Lun‐Wei Wei, Yi-Chiung Chao, 2018: Sediment yield during typhoon events in relation to landslides, rainfall, and catchment areas in Taiwan, Geomorphology, 303, 540-548
  68. Ming-Hsu Li, Kai-Jia Tseng, Ching-Pin Tung, Dong-Sin Shih, Tzu-Ming Liu, 2017: Assessing water resources vulnerability and resilience of southern Taiwan to climate change. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 28, No. 1, p.67-81.
  69. Chi-Wen Chen, Takashi Oguchi, Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Hitoshi Saito, Hongey Chen, 2017: Relationship between landslide size and rainfall conditions in Taiwan. Landslides, 14, 1235-1240.
  70. Chi-Wen Chen, Hitoshi Saito, Takashi Oguchi, 2017: Analyzing rainfall-induced mass movements in Taiwan using the soil water index. Landslides, 14, 1031-1041.
  71. Hsin-Chi Li, Tingyeh Wu, Hsiao-Ping Wei, Hung-Ju, Shih, Yi-Chiung Chao, 2017: Basinwide disaster loss assessments under extreme climate scenarios: a case study of the Kaoping River basin. Natural Hazards, 86(3), 1039–1058.
  72. Shiang-Jen Wu, Shiang-Jen Wu, Yi-Hua Hsiao, Keh-Chia Yeh, Sheng-Hsueh Yang, 2017: A probabilistic model for evaluating the reliability of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides based on uncertainties in rainfall characteristics and soil properties. Natural Hazards, 87:469–513, DOI 10.1007/s11069-017-2773-y.
  73. Pei-Yuan Chen, Ching-Pin Tung, Syu-Jie Huang、Chia-Yii Yu、Pen-Chi Chiang、Tzu-Ming Liu, 2017: Study on the Climate Adaption Planning for an Industrial Company with Regional Risk of the Water Supply System—A Case in Taiwan. Water 2017, 9(9), 682.
  74. Chi-Wen Chen, Hongey Chen, Lun-Wei Wei, Guan-Wei Lin, Tomoyuki Iida; Ryuji Yamada, 2017: Evaluating the susceptibility of landslide landforms in Japan using slope stability analysis: a case study of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. Landslides, 14, 1793-1801.
  75. Chi-Wen Chen, Tomoyuki Iida, Ryuji Yamada, 2017: Effects of active fault types on earthquake-induced deep-seated landslides: A study of historical cases in Japan. Geomorphology, 295, 680-689.
  76. Wan-Ru Huang, Ya-Hui Chang, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Chia-Ying Tu, 2016: Dynamical downscaling simulation and future projection of summer rainfall in Taiwan: Contributions from different types of rain events. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 13,973-13,988.
  77. Wei, H. P., Wei, H. P., H. C. Li, K. C. Yeh, J. J. Liou,, Y. M. Chen, and H. J. Lin, 2016: Using structural measures to reduce flood losses in a future extreme weather event. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 757-767, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.07.14.02.
  78. Su, Y.F., C. T. Cheng, J. J. Liou, Y. M. Chen, A. Kitoh, 2016: Bias correction of MRI-WRF dynamic downscaling datasets. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 649-657.
  79. Chen, Y.J., J. L. Chu, C. P. Tung, K. C. Yeh, 2016: Climate change impacts on streamflow in Taiwan catchments based on statistical downscaling data. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci.,27, 741-755, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.07.20.01.
  80. Yi-Chiung Chao, Hsin-Chi Li, Jun-Jih Liou, Yung-Ming Chen, 2016: Extreme Bed Changes in the Gaoping River under Climate Change. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 717-727, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.06.30.03.
  81. Tsou, C. H., P. Y. Huang, C. Y. Tu, C. T. Chen, T. P. Tzeng, C. T. Cheng, 2016: Present simulation and future typhoon activity projection over western North Pacific and Taiwan/East Coast of China in 20-km HiRAM climate model. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 687-703. doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.06.13.04
  82. Nien-Ming Hong, Tsung-Yu Lee, Yun-Ju Chen, 2016: Daily weather generator with drought properties by copulas and standardized precipitation indices. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(6), 1-14.
  83. Yeon-Hee Kim, Seung-Ki Min, Xuebin Zhang, Francis Zwiers, Lisa V. Alexander, Yu-Shiang Tung, 2016: Attribution of extreme temperature changes during 1951-2010. Climate Dynamics (2016) 46:1769-1782.
  84. Hsiao-Ping Wei, Keh-Chia Yeh, Jun-Jih Liou, Yung-Ming Chen, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2016: Estimating the Risk of River Flow under Climate Change in the Tsengwen River Basin. Water 2016, 8(3), 81.
  85. Tingyeh Wu, Hsin-Chi Li, Shaio-Pin Wei, Wei-Bo Chen, Yung-Ming Chen, Yuan-Fong Su, Jen-Jih Liu & Hung-Ju Shih, 2016: A comprehensive disaster impact assessment of extreme rainfall events under climate change: a case study in Zheng-wen river basin, Taiwan. Environ Earth Sci 75, 597.
  86. Huang, W. R., Y. H. Chang, H. H. Hsu, C. T. Cheng, C. Y. Tu, 2016: Summer convective afternoon rainfall simulation and projection using WRF driven by global climate model. Part II: Over South China and Luzon. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 673-685.
  87. Huang, W. R., Y. H. Chang, C. T. Cheng, H. H. Hsu, C. Y. Tu、A. Kitoh, 2016: Summer convective afternoon rainfall simulation and projection using WRF driven by global climate model. Part I: Over Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 659-671. doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.05.02.01
  88. Yu-Shiang Tung, Cheng-Ta Chen, Seung-Ki Min, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2016: Evaluating extreme rainfall changes over Taiwan using a standardized index. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 27, 705-715, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.06.13.03.
  89. Tingyeh Wu, Hung-Ju Shih, Hsin-Chi Li, Yuan-Fong Su, Yung-Ming Chen, 2016: Landslide Impact Assessment Using Projection Rainfall Data from Climate Change Scenario. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 729-740, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.07.18.03.
  90. Huang, W. R., H.H. Hsu, S.Y. Wang, J.P. Chen, 2015: Impact of atmospheric changes on the low-frequency variations of convective afternoon rainfall activity over Taiwan. JGR Atmosphere, 120(7), 8743-8758.
  91. Huang, J. , H. Liu, J. H. Crawford, C. Chan, D. B. Considine, Y. Zhang, X. Zheng, C. Zhao, V. Thouret, S. J. Oltmans, S. C. Liu, D. B. A. Jones, S. D. Steenrod, and M. R. Damon, 2015: Origin of springtime ozone enhancements in the lower troposphere over Beijing: in situ measurements and model analysis. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5161-5179, doi:10.5194/acp-15-5161-2015.
  92. Liu, R., S. C. Liu, R. J. Cicerone, C.-J. Shiu, J. Li, J. L. Wang, and Y. H. Zhang, 2015: Trends of extreme precipitation in eastern China and their possible causes. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32(8), 1027-1037, doi: 10.1007/s00376-015-5002-1.
  93. Lee, M.-Y., H.-H. Hsu*, and C.-C. Hong, 2015: Compounding effects of Warm SST and Reduced Sea Ice on the Extreme Circulation over the Extratropical North Pacific and North America during 2013/2014 Boreal Winter. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 1612–1618, doi:10.1002/2014GL062956.
  94. Freychet, N., H.-H. Hsu, C. Chou, and C.-H. Wu, 2015: Asian Summer Monsoon in CMIP5 Projections: A Link between the Change in Extreme Precipitation and Monsoon Dynamics. J. of Climate, 28(4), 1477-1493.
  95. Yu, J-Y, P-K Kao, H. Paek, H-H Hsu, C. Hung, M-M Lu, S-I An, 2015: Linking Emergence of the Central-Pacific El Nino to the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, Journal of Climate, 28(2), 651-662, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00347.1. (SCI, IF=4.9)
  96. Huang W. R. and S. Y. Wang,2013:Impact of land-sea breezes at different scales on the diurnal rainfall in Taiwan. Climate Dynamics 43(7-8), 951–1963
  97. Hong, C.-C., M.-Y. Lee, H.-H. Hsu*, N.-H. Lin, B.-J. Tsuang, 2014: Tropical SST Forcing on the Anomalous WNP Subtropical High during July–August 2010 and the Record-high SST in the Tropical Atlantic. Climate Dynamics. DOI:10.1007/s00382-014-2275-5
  98. Hung, C.-w., H.-J. Lin, and H.-H. Hsu, 2014: Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Winter Rainfalls in Taiwan. J. Climate, 27, 4521–4530.
  99. Hong, C.-C., T.-C. Chang, and H.-H. Hsu, 2014: Enhanced relationship between the tropical Atlantic SST and the summertime western North Pacific subtropical high after the early 1980s. J. Geophys. Res. Atmosphere, 119:7, 3715-3722. doi: 10.1002/2013JD021394.
  100. Nobuaki Kimura,, Shen Chiang, Hsiao-Ping Wei, Yuan-Fong Su, Jung-Lien Chu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Jun-Jih Liou, Yung-Ming Chen, Lee-Yaw Lin,2014:Tsengwen Reservoir Watershed Hydrological Flood Simulation under Global Climate Change Using the 20 km Mesh Meteorological Research Institute Atmospheric General Circulation Model (MRI-AGCM). Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), 25(3), 449 - 461. DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2014.01.02.01(Hy)
  101. Lin, C.Y., Y.J. Chua, Y.F. Sheng, H.H. Hsu, C.T. Cheng, Y.Y. Lin,2014: Altitudinal and latitudinal dependence of future warming in Taiwan simulated by WRF nested with ECHAM5/MPIOM, International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.4118.
  102. Kimura, N.; Tai, A.; Chiang, S.; Wei, H.-P.; Su, Y.-F.; Cheng, C.-T.; Kitoh, A.,2014:Hydrological Flood Simulation Using a Design Hyetograph Created from Extreme Weather Data of a High-Resolution Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Water 2014, 6(2), 345-366;
  103. Hung, C.-w., 2013: A 300-Year Typhoon Record in Taiwan and the Relationship with Solar Activity. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 24(4), 737-743, doi: 10.3319/TAO. 2013.02.18.01(A) (SCI)
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The Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform (TCCIP) coordinated by National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) is one of three major climate change projects funded by National Science and Technology Council. The TCCIP project not only produces climate change data for impact assessments and adaptations but also aims to support national adaptation policy framework.