其他服務 / 會議與活動 / 2010氣候變遷國際研討會‎


臺灣處於西北太平洋地區颱風侵襲的主要路徑上,極易受到天然災害影響。雖然我國的應變救災工作近年來已有明顯的成效, 然而在氣候及環境變遷的大環境下,災害風險可能提高,現有的減災規劃、工程設施及國土環境政策等也可能面臨更為嚴峻的 挑戰。近年來極端降雨、颱風事件等劇烈災變天氣的出現次數相當頻繁,未來也可能出現超乎現有經驗之大規模災害或新類型 災害,政策規劃與決策者必須積極面對此一變化及趨勢。為此,政府各部門已積極推動相關氣候變遷調適之政策規劃與擬定策 略,然而目前尚缺乏具有共識之未來氣候變遷推估情境來評估上述諸多的可能性,並據以提供各行政部門擬定氣候變遷調適政策。
臺灣氣候變遷推估與資訊平台計畫」(Taiwan Climate Change Projection and Information Platform Project, TCCIP) 結合中央研究院環境變遷研究中心、中央氣象局與國家災害防救科技中心及國內氣候變遷研究學者,進行臺灣區域氣候變遷分析與未來推估、降尺度技術發展以及極端氣候變異與災害衝擊評估等工作。
此次研討會邀請日本氣候變動革新計畫(KAKUSHIN PROGRAM)成員及歐美學者進行氣候變遷與衝擊研究之學術交流,並發表TCCIP計畫年度研究成果。


◎ 氣候觀測、模擬與推估
   A.    Climate Variability: Observation, Simulation and Projection
◎ 動力與統計降尺度
   B.     Dynamical and Statistical downscaling of Climate Simulation
◎ 氣候變遷衝擊評估
   C.    Impact Assessment: impact on disasters and water resources






November 1, 2010

08:30 - 09:15


09:15 - 09:35

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Chair: Dr. Liang-Chun Chen
Director, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction

國家災害防救科技中心 陳主任亮全

International Conference Hall



Dr. Cheng-Hong Chen, Deputy Minister, National Science Council


Dr. Tien-Chiang Yeh, Deputy Director-General, Central Weather Bureau


Dr. Shaw Liu, Director, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica


09:35 - 09:45

Group Photo

09:45 - 10:00

Introduction of TCCIP Project

Dr. Lee-Yaw Lin, Deputy Executive Secretary, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction


10:00 - 10: 25

Tea break


10:25 - 12:05

A-1Climate Variability: Observation, Simulation, and Projection
Session Chair: Michael Wehner

International Conference Hall


Masato Sugi


Future changes in typhoons frequency and intensity projected by the new 20km AGCM

Yohei Yamada


Relationships between tropical cyclogeneses and large-scale environment in global cloud-system resolving and high-resolution hydrostatic model

Kenji Kamiguchi


Future changes in precipitation characteristics projected by the 20-km-grid MRI-AGCM

Chia Chou


Atmospheric stability and weakening of tropical circulation

12:05 - 14:00


(Lecture Classroom I, II, and Conference Room II)


14:00 - 15:40

A-2Climate Variability: Observation, Simulation, and Projection
Session Chair: Masato Sugi

International Conference Hall


Shaw Liu


Changes in precipitation extremes in a warming globe: comparison of observations to climate models and operational weather models

Aiguo Dai


Drought under global warming

Mong-Ming Lu


Variations of annual frequency of extreme rainfall events in Taiwan during the period of 1951-2005

Hsin-Hsing Chia


The relationship of the tropical cyclone activity in Western North Pacific and the typhoon approaching Taiwan in this decade

15:40 - 16:00

Tea break

16:00 - 17:15

A-3Climate Variability: Observation, Simulation, and Projection
Session Chair: Shaw Liu

International Conference Hall


Michael Wehner

The effect of horizontal resolution on simulation of very extreme precipitation events in a global atmosphere model

Chung-Hsiung Sui


Observed low-frequency climate oscillations and regional rainfall variability in East Asia

Huang-Hsiung Hsu


Identification of a multi-decadal teleconnection pattern in the extratropical Northern Hemisphere

November 2, 2010

09:00 - 10:15

B-1Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling of Climate Simulation
Session Chair: Akio Kitoh

International Conference Hall


Filippo Giorgi

Regional climate modeling as a tool for impact assessment application: Status and perspectives

Cheng-Ta Chen


Regionalization of the IPCC AR4 climate projections over East Asia and Taiwan with statistical downscaling

Jau-Ming Chen


Rainfall variability in Taiwan modulated by monsoon and tropical cyclone

10:15 – 10:35

Tea break

10:35 - 11:50

B-2Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling of Climate Simulation
Session Chair: Cheng-Ta Chen

International Conference Hall


Akio Kitoh 鬼頭昭雄

An overview of the KAKUSHIN Team-3 "projection of the change in future weather extremes using super-high-resolution atmospheric models"

Jung-Lien Chu


Projection of local rainfall using SVD-based downscaling scheme

Chih-wen Hung


The 20th Century Taiwan precipitation data and the Taiwan rainfall index

11:50 - 13:30




(Lecture Classroom I, II, and Conference Room II)


13:30 - 15:10

C-1Impact Assessment: Impact on disasters and water resources

Session Chair: Kazuhiko Fukami深見和彥

International Conference Hall


Eiichi Nakakita


Integrated assessment of climate change impacts on watersheds in a disaster environment under KAKUSHIN program

Ching-Pin Tung


Strengthening water supply system adaptive capacity to climate change in Gaoping river basin

Yasuto Tachikawa


Projection of river discharge in Japan under climate change scenario

Hirohiko Ishikawa


Estimation of possible maximum damage caused by tropical cyclone

15:10 - 15:30

Tea break

15:30 - 17:10

C-2Impact Assessment: Impact on disasters and water resources

Session Chair: Ching-Pin Tung童慶斌

International Conference Hall


Tai-Wen Hsu


A study of adaptation capacity of coastal disasters due to climate change in southwest area of Taiwan

Kazuhiko Fukami


ICHARM's research activities for climate change impact analysis and adaptation - KAKUSHIN project & IFAS development

Pat Yeh


Characterization of atmospheric and terrestrial hydrological cycle changes and their interactions

Shen Chiang


Impact of climate change on hydrology and water resource in Taiwan

November 3, 2010

09:00 - 10:15

B-3Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling of Climate Simulation
Session Chair: Filippo Giorgi

International Conference Hall


Sachie Kanada


Projection of the future change in precipitation in the vicinity of Japan during the rainy season using a 5-km-mesh regional climate model

Masuo Nakano


Future changes of precipitation associated with typhoons around Japan simulated by a 5-km-mesh regional climate model

Chao-Tzuen Cheng


Test of dynamical downscaling for TCCIP project

10:15 – 10:35

Tea break

10:35 - 12:15

C-3Impact Assessment: Impact on disasters and water resources

Session Chair: Eiichi Nakakita中北英一

International Conference Hall


Pao-Shan Yu


Assessment of climate change impacts on flood and drought disasters

Nobuhito Mori


Wave climate change projection at the end of 21st century

Daizo Tsutsumi


Analysis of triggering mechanism of deep seated landslide induced by heavy rainfall

Lien-Kuang Chen


Morakot typhoon : capacity of rainfall to landslide

12:15 - 12:20

Closing Address

Chair of Workshop Organizing Committee: Dr. Huang-Hsiung Hsu

Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University


International Conference Hall


12:20 - 13:30


Lecture Classroom I, Conference Room II


13:30 - 15:30

TCCIP-KAKUSHIN Discussion (by invitation only)

Conference Room 3



An overview of the KAKUSHIN Team-3 "projection of the change in future weather extremes using super-high-resolution atmospheric models"Akio Kitoh簡報 
Analysis of triggering mechanism of deep seated landslide induced by heavy rainfallDaizo Tsutsumi簡報 
Atmospheric stability and weakening of tropical circulationChia Chou簡報 
Changes in precipitation extremes in a warming globe: comparison of observations to climate models and operational weather modelsShaw Liu簡報 
Characterization of atmospheric and terrestrial hydrological cycle changes and their interactionsPat Yeh簡報 
Drought under global warmingAiguo Dai簡報 
Estimation of possible maximum damage caused by tropical cycloneHirohiko Ishikawa簡報 
Future changes in precipitation characteristics projected by the 20-km-grid MRI-AGCMKenji Kamiguchi簡報 
Future changes in typhoons frequency and intensity projected by the new 20km AGCMMasato Sugi簡報 
Future changes of precipitation associated with typhoons around Japan simulated by a 5-km-mesh regional climate modelMasuo Nakano簡報 
ICHARM's research activities for climate change impact analysis and adaptation - KAKUSHIN project & IFAS developmentKazuhiko Fukami簡報 
Identification of a multi-decadal teleconnection pattern in the extratropical Northern HemisphereHuang-Hsiung Hsu簡報 
Impact of climate change on hydrology and water resource in TaiwanShen Chiang簡報 
Integrated assessment of climate change impacts on watersheds in a disaster environment under KAKUSHIN programEiichi Nakakita簡報 
Introduction of TCCIP ProjectLee-Yaw Lin簡報 
Projection of local rainfall using SVD-based downscaling schemeJung-Lien Chu簡報 
Projection of river discharge in Japan under climate change scenarioYasuto Tachikawa簡報 
Projection of the future change in precipitation in the vicinity of Japan during the rainy season using a 5-km-mesh regional climate modelSachie Kanada簡報 
Rainfall variability in Taiwan modulated by monsoon and tropical cycloneJau-Ming Chen簡報 
Regional climate modeling as a tool for impact assessment application: Status and perspectivesFilippo Giorgi簡報 
Regionalization of the IPCC AR4 climate projections over East Asia and Taiwan with statistical downscalingCheng-Ta Chen簡報 
Relationships between tropical cyclogeneses and large-scale environment in global cloud-system resolving and high-resolution hydrostatic modelYohei Yamada簡報 
Strengthening water supply system adaptive capacity to climate change in Gaoping river basinChing-Pin Tung簡報 
Test of dynamical downscaling for TCCIP projectChao-Tzuen Cheng簡報 
The effect of horizontal resolution on simulation of very extreme precipitation events in a global atmosphere modelMichael Wehner簡報 
The relationship of the tropical cyclone activity in Western North Pacific and the typhoon approaching Taiwan in this decadeHsin-Hsing Chia簡報 
Wave climate change projection at the end of 21st centuryNobuhito Mori簡報