其他服務 / 會議與活動 / 2019 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change (2019氣候變遷國際工作坊)


為此,科技部自然科學及永續研究發展司補助的「臺灣氣候變遷推估資訊與調適知識平台計畫」(TCCIP)將於10月22至24日在臺大霖澤館國際會議廳舉辦「2019氣候變遷國際工作坊」(2019 International Workshop on Climate Change, 2019 IWCC),以「A Better Future with Better Climate Change Services」為主題,並由兩位國際級專家進行主題演講:分別是德國氣候服務中心(GERICS)主任Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob,以及在日本文部科學省氣候變遷整合研究計畫TOUGOU中,統籌「衝擊預測與評估分組」的京都大學防災研究所中北英一教授(Prof. Dr. Eiichi Nakakita)。

此外,本次工作坊中,特別邀請長期與TCCIP合作推動氣候變遷相關研究的德國氣候服務中心(GERICS)、日本文部科學省氣候變遷整合研究計畫(TOUGOU)以及日本國立環境研究院氣候變遷調適中心(CCCA)的12名專家學者,以及9名TCCIP團隊成員,針對氣候數據與分析(Climate Data and Analysis)、氣候變遷衝擊與調適(Climate Change Impact and Adaptation)和創新氣候服務(Innovative Services)三大主題進行21場簡報。同時,會場將展出20幅TCCIP研究成果海報,並提供與會者和研究人員互動的機會,讓知識分享與國際交流能更為活絡。

With the world facing immense threats and uncertainties due to climate change, the know-how of improving scientific interpretation and application of climate data, as well as the development of methodologies and tools for data analysis, are the most critical elements in climate change services and they serve as the technical support to countries, ministries and local governments in adapting to the impacts of climate change.

In this 3-day workshop, TCCIP wishes to facilitate the sharing of research developments and climate change service knowledge through the joining of a collection of experts and teams from TOUGOU, GERICS and CCCA, whereby in-depth discussions, presentations and poster sessions on fundamental research, climate change impact and adaptation, and the improvement of innovation service are scheduled to take place.

Main Topics

This workshop aims to develop a better climate change service for all, whereby discussion and knowledge sharing will involve the following 3 topics:

1. Climate data and Analysis: This topic covers an array of statistical analysis, including climate change projection, high-resolution climate modeling and downscaling, to improve the understanding of climate data and patterns under the influence of climate change.  

2. Climate Change Impact and Adaptation: This topic addresses the climate change impact in multiple areas of concern, including flood disaster, slope land disaster, coastal disaster, agriculture, health, infrastructure, energy, and others, to identify disaster hotspots and depicting the functioning of adaptation strategies in neutralizing these impacts.

3. Innovative Service: This topic illustrates how innovative services and products, such as interactive interfaces, tools, and platforms presenting climate data and knowledge, can effectively assist with the improvement of climate change adaptation strategies and policies.


Introduction of TCCIP projectDr. Lee-Yaw Lin, Deputy Director of NCDR簡報 
Keynote Address (Live-Streaming from Germany): “Global Warming of 1.5 ºC”Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob/Director of GERICS  
Keynote Address:“TOUGOU-C: Integrated Climate Change Projection”Prof. Dr. Akio Kitoh/ Director, Office of Climate and Environmental Research Promotion, JMBSC  
Tropical cyclone translation speed in a warmed climateDr. Munehiko Yamaguchi (TOUGOU-C)  
Future Change in spring drought and its impact on water resource in TaiwanProf. Dr. Huang-Hsiung Hsu (TCCIP)簡報 
Statistical Downscaling over Taiwan: Current Daily Data Products and Future DevelopmentsProf. Dr. Cheng-Ta Chen (TCCIP)簡報 
Hydrological Analysis Using Statistically Downscaled Daily Rainfall DataProf. Dr. Ke-Sheng Cheng (TCCIP)簡報 
Applied Statistical Downscaling Data on Risk Map of Flood DisastersDr. Yun-Ju Chen (TCCIP)簡報 
From data to climate change servicesDr. Yu-Shiang Tung (TCCIP)簡報 
Innovation in Climate Services Provision and Climate Adaptation in CitiesMs. Jo-Ting Huang-Lachmann (GERICS)  
Regional characteristics of extreme precipitation and its future projection in JapanDr. Takafumi Miyasaka (TOUGOU-C)  
Future Changes in a Typhoon in the Midlatitude Regions: Downscaling simulations form d4PDF data by using a 4-km-mesh nonhydrostatic modelDr. Sachie Kanada (TOUGOU-C)簡報 
Challenges of Regional Climate ModellingDr. Claas Teichmann (GERICS)  
Downscaling of Typhoon precipitation over Taiwan in climate projectionDr. Chao-Tzuen Cheng (TCCIP)簡報 
Ensemble Inundation impact assessment under RCP8.5 ScenarioProf. Dr. Keh-Chia Yeh (TCCIP)簡報 
Landslide impact assessment under climate changeDr. Hshin-Chi Li (TCCIP)簡報 
Flood risk assessment under a changing climate using a large ensemble climate dataDr. Tomohiro Tanaka (TOUGOU-D)簡報 
The impact assessment of localized heavy rainfall in Japan under global warming from the multiple spatial scaleMs. Yukari Osakada (TOUGOU-D)  
The role of bias correction for the projection of hydrological extremes using large ensemble climate simulationsDr. Satoshi Watanabe (TOUGOU-D)  
Future dispersal and connectivity of world’s northernmost coral reefsDr. Shintaro Takao (TOUGOU-D)  
Center for Climate Change Adaptation: the national hub for climate change adaptationDr. Yoshifumi Masago (CCCA)簡報 
Developing Climate Change Integrated Service Platform under Design ThinkingDr. Tzu-Ming Liu (TCCIP)簡報