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中文期刊 國際期刊 國內研討會論文 國際研討會論文

  1. Yu, S. Y., Matzarakis, A., & Lin, T. P. (2022.09.04-09). Thermal comfort and heat stress assessment for the torch relay around Taiwan and the delayed 2021 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games. Proceedings of the 2022 annual meeting of the European meteorological society (EMS2022), European meteorological society, Bonn, Germany.
  2. Chang, C., Chen, C. Y., & Lin, T. P. (2022.09.04-09). Analysis of residential energy consumption based on urban climate patterns. Proceedings of the 2022 annual meeting of the European meteorological society (EMS2022), European meteorological society, Bonn, Germany.
  3. Wang, S. Y., Hung, K. A., & Lin, T. P. (2022.09.04-09). Analysis of the association between environmental features and temperature using Decision Tree and Artificial Neural Network. Proceedings of the 2022 annual meeting of the European meteorological society (EMS2022), European meteorological society, Bonn, Germany.
  4. Li, R. Y., Wang, L. C., & Lin, T. P. (2022.09.04-09). Establishment and Application of Platform Based on Downscaling Climate Reanalysis Data. Proceedings of the 2022 annual meeting of the European meteorological society (EMS2022), European meteorological society, Bonn, Germany.
  5. Ching-Hsien Ho, 2020: The analytical study on the migration and Kuroshio current changes of eel larvae in offshore southwestern Taiwan,令和2年度日本水產學會春季大會,東京.
  6. Chao, Y.C., P.L. Liu, C.C. Chen, H.C. Li, C.T. Hsu, Y.M. Chen, 2020: Flooding risks change due to land use and precipitation change in Northern Taiwan, EGU 2020 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  7. Hsiao-Wei Liu , Shiou-Li Lin, Cheng-Ta Chen, Yu-Shiang Tung, and Yung-Ming Chen, 2019: Atlas of Taiwan Climate Change Key Indices。第二屆氣候論壇(2019 CHIA forum)
  8. 7. Hsin-Yu Chiang, Chao-Tzuen Cheng ,Chia-Ying Tu, Huang-Hsiung Hsu ,Akio Kitoh,2019: Taiwan typhoon rainfall change under global warming in HiRAM and MRI models. 16th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society.
  9. Yu-Shiang Tung, 2019: From data to climate change services. TCCIP International workshop on climate change
  10. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, 2019: Global warming projection using HIRAM for the mid and end of 21st century. TCCIP International workshop on climate change
  11. Hsin-Yu Chiang, Chao-Tzuen Cheng、Chia-Ying Tu、Huang-Hsiung Hsu、Shih-Hao Su, 2019: Taiwan typhoon rainfall change in nine major typhoon tracks. TCCIP International workshop on climate change. TCCIP International workshop on climate change
  12. Ping-Yi Lin, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2019 : Construct high-resolution historical data over Taiwan by using WRF model with ERA5 reanalysis. TCCIP International workshop on climate change
  13. 侯清賢*、陳永明、呂學榮、吳龍靜,2019:氣候變遷下沿近海漁業衝擊與產業調適韌性之評估-以臺灣定置網漁業為例。平成31年度日本水產學會春季大會,東京。
  14. Yung Heng Hsu, Yung Ming Chen, Yu Chen Liu, Ming Hwi Yao*, 2019: Direct seeding on dry field as an option to mitigate the impact of climate change. 2019 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change.
  15. Tsung-Hsun Lien, Jun-Jih Liou, Ke-Sheng Cheng, 2019: Hydrologic Frequency Analysis Using Projected daily rainfall data of statistical downscaling GCMs, TCCIP International workshop on climate change.
  16. SHIH-YUN KUO, Hsin-Chi Li, 2019: Building community consensus of prioritized issues via a participatory integrated assessment approach -- climate change participatory workshop, 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference.
  17. MingHwi Yao, TzayMing Leou, KenShu Chien, ShunHui Chiang, EnChi Yang, 2019: Climate Information Service for the Prevention of Agriculture Disasters 2019 Asia Pacific Climate Service Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan
  18. M.H.Yao, Y.H. Hsu, Y.C. Liu and H.S. Lur, 2019: Adaptation strategies of climate change impact on agricultural production in Taiwan. 3rd Agriculture and climate change conference. Budapest, Hungary
  19. Ming Hwi Yao*, Yung Heng Hsu , Yu Chen Liu, 2019: Climate change risk assessments of potential corn production in Taiwan. 2019 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change.
  20. Liu, Y.L., Fu, T.C., Chang, Y.C., Kuo, H.W., 2019: Assess the impact of climate change on the distribution of Ades aegypti in Taiwan. 2019 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change
  21. Jun-Jih Liou, Tsung-Hsun Lien, 2019: A Comparison between Method of Fragment and Stochastic Rainfall Simulation for Estimation of Hourly Rainfalls with GCMs’ Statistical- Downscaling-Daily-Rainfall dataset, 2019 International Symposium on Stochastic Envi
  22. Jun-Jih Liou, Chi-Wen Chen, Fang-Yi Chu, Recurrence intervals of landslides triggered by simulated typhoon events in northern Taiwan under climate change, 16th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Societ 2019
  23. Fang-Yi Chu, Chi-Wen Chen, Tingyeh Wu, 2019: Assessing Landslide Susceptibility in the Zengwen Reservoir Watershed Using Climate Change Projection Data, AOGS 2019 - Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
  24. Chi-Wen Chen, Hongey Chen, Hsin-Chi Li, Jun-Jih Liou, Shih-Yao Lin, Yung-Ming Chen, 2019: Establishing mass movement warning system for Taiwan using soil water index, 2019 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts
  25. Ching-Hsien Ho*., Y. M. Chen., H. J. Lu and L. J. Wu, 2019: Impact and adaptation of coastal fisheries under climate change - a case study of set-net fishery in Taiwan. 2019 World Forum on Climate Justice. Glasgow Caledonian University,
  26. Hsiao-Wei Liu (劉曉薇)、JIA-YUH YU,2018:Changes of Tropical Precipitation Efficiency under Global Warming Projected by CMIP5 Model Simulations.107年天氣分析與預報研討會。
  27. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chun-Hsiung Weng、Ping-Gin Chiu、Chuan-Yao Lin, Tzu Ming Liu, 2018: Future Change in spring drought and its impact on water resource in Taiwan. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  28. Tzu-Ming Liu, Ming-Hsu Li, Ching-Pin Tung, 2018: Water Resources Risk Assessment of Northern Taiwan for Climate Change. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  29. Yi-Chiung Chao, Yi-Hua Hsiao, Lun-Tsun Chen, Chih-Tsung Hsu, Keh-Chia YEH, Chao-Tzuen CHENG, Hsinchi LI, 2018: Flood Risk Assessment and Adaptation Under Extreme Climate Scenarios in Tainan City, Taiwan. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  30. Yu-Shiang Tung, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Akio Kitoh, Chia-Ying Tu, 2018: High-Res. Climate Simulation and Projection of HiRAM-AGCM with Focus on Extreme Weather. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  31. Lee-Yaw Lin, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Cheng-Ta Chen, 2018: Taiwan Climate Change Information and Knowledge Service Platform. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  32. Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Hsin-Yu Chiang, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chia-Ying Tu, Akio Kitoh, 2018: Dynamical Downscaling of Typhoons Around Taiwan in Climate Projection of High-Resolution AGCM. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  33. Wan-Ru Huang, Ya-Hui Chang, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Chia-Ying Tu, 2018: Dynamical Downscaling Simulation and Future Projection of Summer Rainfall in Taiwan: Contributions from Different Types of Rain Events. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii.
  34. Shih-Yun KUO, 2018: Public understanding of climate change in Taiwan. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology.
  35. Shih-Yun KUO, Ya-Hsuan CHIU, En-Yu CHANG, Liang-Chun CHEN, Hung-Chih HUNG, 2018: Complementing Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Stakeholders’Perspectives Toward Climate Change Drought Risk in Taiwan. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology.
  36. Chi-Wen Chen, Yu-Shiang Tung, Jun-Jih Liou, Hsin-Chi Li, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yung-Ming Chen, 2018: Changes of landslide characteristics to different environmental conditions under climate change. GLOBAL LAND PROGRAMME 2018 ASIA CONFERENCE.
  37. Ming-Hwi Yao, Tzay-Ming Leou, Yung-Heng Hsu, Chi-ling Chen, Chun-Tang Lu, 2018: Developing disaster early warning system and adaptation strategies for crop production in Taiwan. Strengthening the Prevention Strategies and Early Warning Systems of Agricultural Disasters through Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
  38. Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Hsin-Yu Chiang, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chia-Ying Tu, Akio Kitoh, Dynamical Downscaling of Typhoons Around Taiwan in Climate Projection of High-Resolution AGCM, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii
  39. Wan-Ru Huang, Ya-Hui Chang, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Chia-Ying Tu, Dynamical Downscaling Simulation and Future Projection of Summer Rainfall in Taiwan: Contributions from Different Types of Rain Events, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 20
  40. Yi-Chiung Chao, Yi-Hua Hsiao, Lun-Tsun Chen, Chih-Tsung Hsu, Keh-Chia YEH, Chao-Tzuen CHENG, Hsinchi LI, Flood Risk Assessment and Adaptation Under Extreme Climate Scenarios in Tainan City, Taiwan, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Haw
  41. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chun-Hsiung Weng, Ping-Gin Chiu, Chuan-Yao Lin, Tzu Ming Liu, Future Change in spring drought and its impact on water resource in Taiwan, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii
  42. Yu-Shiang Tung, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Akio Kitoh, Chia-Ying Tu, High-Res. Climate Simulation and Projection of HiRAM-AGCM with Focus on Extreme Weather, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii
  43. Lee-Yaw Lin, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Cheng-Ta Chen, Taiwan Climate Change Information and Knowledge Service Platform, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii
  44. Tzu-Ming Liu, Ming-Hsu Li, Ching-Pin Tung, Water Resources Risk Assessment of Northern Taiwan for Climate Change Adaptation, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting 03 to 08 JUN, 2018 Honolulu, Hawaii
  45. Chi-Wen Chen, Takashi Oguchi, Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Hitoshi Saito, Hongey Chen, Guan‐Wei Lin, Lun‐Wei Wei, 2017: Sediment yields during typhoon events in Taiwan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017.
  46. Shih-Yun Kuo, Hsin-Chi Li, Yun-Ru Chen, Yung-Ming Chen, 2017: How to Complement Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction? A Case of Drought and Water Resource Policing. 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference- Our Climate Ready Future.
  47. Hsin-Chi Li, Shih-Yun Kuo, Yun-Ru Chen, Yung-Ming Chen, 2017: Benefit Analysis for Evacuation Policy of Extreme Typhoon Event Under Global Warming Scenario. 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference- Our Climate Ready Future.
  48. Yu-Shiang Tung, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yung-Ming Chen, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2017: Future Change in Frequency of Extreme Precipitation over Taiwan. 2017 Taipei SWEP.
  49. Jia-Yuh YU, Hsiao-Wei LIU, 2017: Changes of Tropical Convective Zone Under Global Warming. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting.
  50. Chih Hua Tsou, Hsin Yu Chiang, Pang-Chi Hsu, 2017: Paradox in Tropical storm genesis frequency decreasing and Genesis Potential index increasing after late 1990's over the western North Pacific. Fourth International Conference on Earth System Modelling.
  51. Wei-Chyung Wang, Lijun Tao, Guoxing Chen, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chia-Ying Tu, I-Chun Tsai, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2017: Winter Extreme Precipitation Events Along the Coast of the Northeast United States and the Associated Large-Scale Circulations. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting.
  52. Chi-Wen Chen, 2017: Evaluation of Rainfall-Induced Mass Movements in Taiwan. International Conference on Remote Sensing and GIS for Applications in Geosciences.
  53. Chi-Wen Chen, 2017: Distributions of Landslides, Vegetation, and Related Sediment Yields During Typhoon Events in Northwestern Taiwan. International Conference on Remote Sensing and GIS for Applications in Geosciences.
  54. Yu-Shiang Tung, Chi-Wen Chen, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2017: Evaluating Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Change in Taiwan. 2017 TCCIP International Workshop. Taipei, Taiwan. R.O.C.
  55. Chi-Cherng Hong, Chih-Chun Chang, 2017: Long-term Variation of Cold Surge Frequency in Taiwan: Present and Future. 2017 TCCIP International Workshop. Taipei, Taiwan. R.O.C.
  56. Yun Ju Chen, Hsuan-Ju Lin, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Jiun-Huei Jang, 2016: Application of Representative Concentration Pathways Scenarios on Streamflow Impact Assessment. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  57. Yun Ju Chen, Hsuan-Ju Lin, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Jiun-Huei Jang, 2016: Applying the RCP8.5 Scenarios to Assess Flood and Slopeland Disaster Risk Maps. The 4th DPRI-NCDR Workshop.
  58. Ming-Hwi Yao, Bo-Yan Lian, Yung-Heng Hsu, 2016: The evaluation system of food production for the study on rice yield potential in the future. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  59. Wan-Ru Huang, Ya-Hui Chang, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chia-Ying Tu, Akio Kitoh, 2016: Summer convective afternoon rainfall simulation and projection over Taiwan, using WRF driven by global climate model. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  60. Chuan-Yao Lin, Mien-Tze Kueh, Yin-Jin Chuang, Yang-Fan Sheng, Yi-Yun Chien, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, 2016: Heatwaves in Taiwan: intercomparison of dynamically downscaled simulations. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  61. Cheng-Ta Chen, Chih-Hua Tsou, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yi-Chao Wu, Akio Kitoh、Michael Wehner, 2016: Projection of northwest pacific typhoons in high-resolution AGCM. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  62. Yu-Shiang TUNG, Jung-Lien CHU, Chao-Tzuen CHENG, Yung-Ming CHEN, 2016: Evaluating past and future changes in wet season over Taiwan. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  63. Pei-Ling Liu, Bo Cheng Huang, Yen-Chen Huang, Huei-Lin Lee, Jung-Lien Chu, Yung-Ming Chen, 2016: Climate Service of TCCIP. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  64. Lee-Yaw Lin, Yung-Ming Chen, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Jun-Jih Liou, Jung-Lien Chu, Pei-Ling Liu, 2016: The Taiwan Climate Change Projection and Information Platform Project (TCCIP). 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  65. Yi-Chun Lin, Jun-Jih Liou, Yuan-Fong Su, Jung-Lien Chu, 2016: Generating Gridded Data of Daily Solar Radiation for Taiwan Region. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  66. Yung-Heng Hsu, Yi-Chun Lin, Jun-Jih Liou, Ming-Hwi Yao, 2016: The Impacts of Climate Change on Rice Yields in Taiwan: Selection of General Circulation Models (GCMs) by Monthly Temperature. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  67. Yi-Ying Lin, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Akio Kitoh, 2016: Dynamical downscaling for Taiwan using high-resolution HiRAM and MRI AGCM. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  68. Dan-Rong Chen, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, 2016: Projection of Future Typhoons affecting Taiwan - preliminary result of HiRAM ensemble simulation. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  69. Hung-Ju Shih, Yi-Chiung Chao, Tingyen Wu, Hsin-chi Li, 2016: Extreme Rainfall induced landslides in Future in Zhuoshui River Basin, Taiwan. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  70. Hsin-Chi Li, Yi-Chiung Chao, Tingyeh Wu, Hung-Ju Shih, Wei-Bo Chen, 2016: The loss assessment for Cho-Shui river basin in the end of century under climate change. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  71. Ming-Hwi Yao, Bo-Yan Lian, Yung-Heng Hsu, 2016: Evaluation of rice production potential in Taiwan using SDSM future Climate Data. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  72. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, 2016: Projection of Taiwan Climate. 2016 TCCIP workshop on Applications of Climate Change Projection.
  73. Cheng-Ta Chen, Teng-¬Ping Tseng, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yuqing Wang, 2016: Is There an Added Value from Regional Climate Modeling for Projected Change in Future Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activities? THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REGIONAL CLIMATE CORDEX 2016.
  74. Yung-Heng Hsu, 2016: Using Artificial Neural Networks to Evaluate Late-Century Typhoon Events of Climate Change for the Percentage of Damaged Rice Area. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23).
  75. Tingyeh Wu, Yi-Chiung, Chao, Hsin-Chi Li, Hung-Ju Shih, 2016: Modelling the sediment impact variation of predicted climate change for Zousuixi river basin, Taiwan. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23).
  76. Chia-An Ku, 2016: Assessing the Effectiveness of Land-use Planning on Urban Flood Risk Reduction - An Integrated Modelling Approach. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23).
  77. Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Dan-Rong Chen, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Cheng-Ta Chen, Akio Kitoh, 2016: Future Projection of Typhoons Affecting Taiwan. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23).
  78. Jung-Lien Chu, Jung-Lien Chu, Jun-Jih Liou, Shih-Yao Lin, Yung-Min Chen, 2016: The Application of Seasonal Forecast Information on Water Resource Management. The 23rd Pacific Science Congress.
  79. SHIH-YUN KUO, JUNG-LIEN CHU, JUN-JIH LIOU, KUAN-CHEN LEE, HSIN-YU CHIANG, 2016: Climate change drought impact on water supply infrastructure: scientific assessment and governance challenges. International Symposium on Sustainability and Resiliency of Infrastructure.
  80. Tingyeh Wu, Hsin-Chi Li, Yung-Ming Chen, 2016: Impact Assessments for Debris Flow and River Discharge under Extreme Climate Scenario. 5th International Geo-hazards research symposium, IGRS 2016 Taiwan.
  81. Yu-Shiang Tung, Cheng-Ta Chen, Seung-Ki Min, Lee-Yaw Lin, 2016: Evaluating past change of extreme rainfall over Taiwan using a standardized index. 2016 AGU Fall Meeting.
  82. Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yi-Yin Lin, Dan-Rong Chen, and Akio Kitoh,2014:Changes of Meiyu Precipitation in Taiwan: Results of Dynamical Downscaling on 20km-mesh MRI AGCM, International Workshop on CMIP5 Model Intercomparisons for Future Projections of Precipitation and Climate in Asia.
  83. Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Yi-Yin Lin, and Dan-Rong Chen,2014:Testing Regional Model Setting for Dynamical Downscaling of TCCIP Project, 2014 TCCIP International Workshop on Climate Change.
  84. Cheng-Ta Chen, Tzeng-Ping Tzeng, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, and Akio Kitoh,2014:Impact of Climate Change on the Precipitation Extremes Associated with Tropical Cyclones, 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology.
  85. Chuan-Yao Lin, Ying-Jea Chua, Yang-Fan Sheng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, and Yi-Yin Lin,2014:Altitudinal and latitudinal dependence of future warming in an island of multi climate zones: Taiwan as an example, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014.
  86. Cho, Y.-M. and M.-M. Lu,2013:2013: An analysis of the extreme dry spells in Taiwan and its variations during the recent one hundred years, Fifth Conference on East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate.
  87. Lan-Fen Chu, Ching-Cheng Chang, Yung-Ming Chen, Shiao-Ping Wei,2013:Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan from Statistical Perspective, 2013台灣氣候變遷國際研討會.
  88. Lan-Fen Chu, Michael Mcaleer, Shiao-Ping Wei,2013:Extreme Rainfall in Wet and Dry Seasons in Southern Brisbane, Asia oceania Geosciences society.
  89. Lu, M.-M. and Y.-M. Cho,2013:An Analysis of the Extreme Dry Spells in Taiwan and Its Variations During the Recent One Hundred Years, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 10th Annual Meeting.
  90. Lu, M.-M., Y.-C. Lin, Y.-M. Cho and N. E. Huang,2013:Pacific and Atlantic Decadal Variability Reflected by the Winter Temperature in Taiwan during the Period 1911-2010, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting.
  91. Shiao-Ping WEI, Keh-Chia YEH, Yuan-Fong SU, Lan-Fen CHU, Yung-Ming CHEN,2013:Study on the Flow Estimate under Extreme Climate Change Scenarios, Asia oceania Geosciences society.
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