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使用TCCIP所產製的5KM網格化觀測日資料(已下架),變數包含平均溫、最高溫、最低溫(單位:°C)及降雨量(單位:毫米/天(mm/day)),資料範圍為臺灣包含部分離島地區(119.2°E–122.15°E ; 21.5°N–25.5°N),資料時間為1960-2020年,網格解析度為0.05°×0.05°(近似5KM)。


參考IPCC AR5 (The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)使用的全球氣候模式,選取源自20個研究中心所開發的模式,共有34組完整的模式模擬結果,模式詳細介紹見表1。本計畫利用統計降尺度方法,產製得到AR5統計降尺度日資料,變數包含日平均溫、日最高溫、日最低溫(單位:°C)及日降雨量(單位:mm/day),資料空間範圍及網格解析度與觀測資料相同,資料時間分為歷史模擬1960-2005年及未來推估2006-2100年。各個情境的模式數量分別為:RCP2.6有22個、RCP4.5有30個、RCP6.0有17個、RCP8.5有33個模式。


表1 34個氣候模式說明(註:不是每個模式都有模擬所有情境的結果,因此各情境的模式數量並不同)

1ACCESS1.01.25° × 1.875°CSIRO-BOM, AustraliaAustralian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator 1.0  
2ACCESS1.31.25° × 1.875°CSIRO-BOM, AustraliaAustralian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator 1.3  
3BCC-CSM1.1~2.8° ×2.8125°BCC, ChinaBeijing Climate Center Climate System Model version 1.1
4BCC-CSM1.1m~1.12° × 1.125°BCC, ChinaBeijing Climate Center Climate System Model version 1.1, moderate resolution
5BNU-ESM~2.8° × 2.8125°BNU, ChinaBeijing Normal University Earth System Model
6CanESM2~2.8° × 2.8125°CCCma, CanadaCanadian Earth System Model version 2
7CCSM4~0.94° × 1.25°NCAR, USACommunity Climate System Model version 4.0
8CESM1-BGC~0.94° × 1.25°NSF-DOE-NCAR, USACommunity Earth System Model version 1.0 with Biogeochemistry  
9CESM1-CAM5~0.94° × 1.25°NSF-DOE-NCAR, USACommunity Earth System Model version 1.0 with Community Atmosphere Model version 5
10CMCC-CESM~3.7° × 3.75°CMCC, ItalyCentro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) Carbon Earth System Model    
11CMCC-CM~0.75° × 0.75°CMCC, ItalyCMCC Climate Model  
12CMCC-CMS~1.9° × 1.875°CMCC, ItalyCMCC Climate Model with a resolved Stratosphere    
13CNRM-CM5~1.4° × ~1.4°CNRM-CERFACS, FranceCentre National de Recherches Meteorologiques (CNRM) Climate Model version 5
14CSIRO-Mk3.6.0~1.9° × 1.875°CSIRO-QCCCE, AustraliaCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Mk3.6 Model
15EC-EARTH~1.12° × 1.125°ICHEC, EuropeEuropean Community Earth system model    
16FGOALS-g2~3.05° × 2.8125°LASG-CESS, ChinaFlexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Grid-point Version 2
17GFDL-CM32° × 2.5°NOAA-GFDL, USAGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Climate Model version 3  
18GFDL-ESM2G~2° × 2.5°NOAA-GFDL, USAGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Earth System Model couple GOLD ocean model
19GFDL-ESM2M~2° × 2.5°NOAA-GFDL, USAGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Earth System Model couple MOM4.1 ocean model  
20HadGEM2-AO1.25° × 1.875°NIMR-KMA, KoreaHadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2 - Atmosphere
21HadGEM2-CC1.25° × 1.875°MOHC, UKHadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2 - Carbon Cycle  
22HadGEM2-ES1.25° × 1.875°MOHC, UKHadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2 - Earth System
23INM-CM41.5° × 2°INM, RussiaInstitute for Numerical Mathematics, Climate Model Version 4  
24IPSL-CM5A-LR~1.9° × 3.75°IPSL, FranceInstitute Pierre-Simon Laplace Climate Model, with LMDZ5A atmosphere model - low resolution
25IPSL-CM5A-MR~1.3° × 2.5°IPSL, FranceInstitute Pierre-Simon Laplace Climate Model, with LMDZ5A atmosphere model - mid resolution
26IPSL-CM5B-LR~1.9° × 3.75°IPSL, FranceInstitute Pierre-Simon Laplace Climate Model, with LMDZ5B atmosphere model  
27MIROC5~1.4° × ~1.4°AORI/NIES/JAMSTEC, JapanModel for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 5
28MIROC-ESM~2.8° × 2.8125°AORI/NIES/JAMSTEC, JapanModel for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate - Earth System Model
29MIROC-ESM-CHEM~2.8° × 2.8125°AORI/NIES/JAMSTEC, JapanModel for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate - Earth System Model, Chemistry Coupled
30MPI-ESM-LR~1.9° × 1.875°MPI-M, GermanyMax Planck Institute Earth System Model - low resolution
31MPI-ESM-MR~1.9° × 1.875°MPI-M, GermanyMax Planck Institute Earth System Model - mixed resolution
32MRI-CGCM3~1.12° × 1.125°MRI, JapanMeteorological Research Institute, Coupled General Circulation Model version 3
33MRI-ESM1~1.12° × 1.125°MRI, JapanMeteorological Research Institute, Earth System Model version 1    
34NorESM1-M~1.9° × 2.5°NCC, NorwayNorwegian Earth System Model version 1 - medium resolution